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Use Solar Panels to Power Water Pumps
Robert JohnThere is a large population that wants to help environment by using solar energy. However, many of them are really not aware of the various usages of solar panels. A good way to use solar panels is to install a solar-powered water pump for pumping water out of well. Traditionally windmills have been used to power such systems, but solar panel powered system works equally well and is equally environment-friendly.
You need not buy solar panels with very high wattage rating to run a solar pump. In order to correctly determine the wattage rating before you buy solar panels, it is better to check with your well-drilling company. One important point that you should take care of while setting up an outdoor solar panel system is to buy a mounting rack to offer sufficient clearance between the ground and from surrounding trees. This will prevent your solar panels from pets, floodwater’s or falling branches from nearby trees.
Make sure that you choose a good quality well-pump that fits well with the solar panels you buy. It should be able to make the best use of the power from solar panels and should not require an inefficient wasteful transformer. If you are consulting your well drilling provider, you are likely to be offered a standard well-pump, a 220V alternating current model. The main problem associated with using such high voltage pumps is that the transformer needed will be extremely wasteful. It can cause huge strain on inverter during start-up. Unless you own a full-out inverter, this strain can result in dropping the power supply to your home or even, an inverter failure in the worst case. A 120 volt AC model is ideal to use that does not put such high burden on your inverter.
Buying solar panels for powering well-pumps is a practical idea. It can be very helpful in saving serious amounts of money on electricity. Also, beginning with a solar powered well-pump can pave the way towards an entirely solar powered home.
Robert Jhon writes numerous articles for websites on gardening, solar energy, the environment, and home decor. For more of her articles on
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, please visit
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