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- Office Massage Sydney
London Chiropractor
Should I see a chiropractor and how will I benefit ?
Chiropractic can help conditions throughout the musculoskeletal system.
Chiropractic care may help certain types of headache, in particular tension headaches or headaches caused by certain neck myofascial dysfunction (Cervicogenic headaches). Migraine symptoms are often alleviated by chiropractic.
Chiropractic has been shown to be effective for Cervicogenic dizziness (dizziness caused by myofascial disorders of the neck).
Chiropractic can be beneficial for acute, subacute and chronic neck pain. General postural pain (neck and back) and ‘tension’ accounts for a lot of our presenting complaints. Many of our patients sit at desks for long periods at a time or doing repetative physical tasks!
Chiropractic has been shown to be clinically effective for acute, subacute and chronic low back pain. Similarly, chiropractic care may alleviate symptoms caused by sacro-iliac conditions, piriformis Syndrome, groin strain and arthritic pain of the hip.
Shoulder problem, such as arthritic pain, rotator cuff pain, frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis), sports injuries and symptoms caused by overuse conditions can all be helped with chiropractic care. Chiropractors successfully treat more and more shoulder problems associated with postural and ergonomic dysfunction. Another tell tale sign is one shoulder lower than the other.
Symptoms of common elbow or wrist conditions e.g. carpal tunnel syndrome, overuse / repetitive strain injuries such as tennis elbow (Lateral epicondylitis) can be effectively helped with chiropractic care.
Postural problems and arthritic symptoms of the spine can be alleviated with gentle adaptive treatment.
Hip and knee osteoarthritis has shown to be helped with chiropractic care.
Chiropractic care can be beneficial for many common lower limb problems such as plantar fascitis and sports injuries e.g. patellar tracking disorders.
Benefits of Chiropractic and Massage
lncreases circulation
lncreases removal of lactic acid
lncreases delivery of oxygen and nutrients
lncreases flexibility
lncreases training effectiveness
Reduces soreness & pain
Reduces adhesions
Reduces recovery time
Reduces muscle spasms
Reduces chance of injury
Helps the body to relax, repair and prepare for the next athletic event.
Professionals and Olympic athletes are aware of the natural benefits of massage and chiropractic used in combination with proper hydration, nutrition, stretching, and training techniques. Many organizations and individual athletes have chiropractic doctors and massage therapists as integral parts of their health care team.
Typical observations that chiropractors see in their patients after treatment include:
Better athletic performance
Faster, more complete recovery from injuries
Better nervous system function – which controls every aspect of your body
Better immune system function – fight off disease naturally
Healthier moms – easier pregnancy and delivery
Healthier babies – less in-utero constraint and subsequent scoliosis
Healthier kids – less ear infections, asthma, bed-wetting, etc.
Healthier adults – more energy and productivity
Healthier seniors – better balance, less likelihood of falling that often causes hip fracture
Overall natural vitality
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