Here’s An Opinion On:
By ArtifactSoftware.com
Weve all heard that old saying, time is money. When it comes to time spent at work, it couldnt be more true. Managing your time at the office as efficiently as possible makes a big difference in your effectivenessand your bottom line. Here, well go over a few tips on how to streamline your time management at work.
Organize your desk. If you can barely see the surface of your desk for all the paper, you need to reorganize. Many people with messy desks will insist that they know where everything isbut this is in fact rarely true, especially if its documentation for a project thats been on the back burner for a while. Over time, youll waste hours just looking for things that should be easy to locate.
To get back in shape, set aside an hour to a dayor even more, depending on how chaotic your desk isto sorting, filing, and organizing your office. Youll need a filing system that works for you. Put everything within easy reachyou should never have to spend more than thirty seconds locating a single piece of paper. Even though you may feel like you dont have the time to pay attention to organization, this investment of time will pay you back over the long run.
Delegate when you can. High-achieving business owners and managers often hate to delegate, because they feel out of control when theyre not doing everything themselves. However, strong and effective leaders know the strengths of their employeesand how to rely on those strengths to best advantage. If you feel overloaded in your tasks, delegate to trusted employees when you can. Choose someone whos eager to prove herself, but who also isnt too inexperienced to do a good joband when you can, choose employees who have talents to match the task.
Schedule e-mail time. Constantly checking email is just another way of procrastinating on other things. Turn off the automatic notification feature on your emailit kills concentrationand only check your email two or three times per day. That way, you wont feel like e-mail is taking up all your time at work.
Get rid of your paper in-box. If a document crosses your desk that you have to take care of, handle it nowdont set it in a to-do pile. We all tend to procrastinate with paperworkbut the more quickly you get it done, the less youll feel like its controlling your life. Dont let paperwork sit on your desk for more than a day if you can possibly help it.
Make sure you have the right software. If your business management involves a lot of softwarespreadsheets, documents, data management systemsyou could be wasting a lot of time just transitioning from one program to the next. Look for a software solution that combines mutually compatible programs that take care of all your data management needs. The best ones include tracking features that will let you keep track of time, efficiency, defects, financial information, and other information crucial to your businesss effectiveness. That way, youll be able to manage all relevant data, track your time, and make sure youre running your business as efficiently as possible.
Crucial time management is crucial to your bottom line and to your work-life balance. Get it right, and youll work efficiently and have time left over for your family and yourself. Get it wrong, and you can start to feel like your work is taking over your life. Follow these tips, and you should be able to get it all donewith time to spare.
About the Author: This article was written by ArtifactSoftware.com, creators of a free
time management software
program that was built for software developers. Please visit
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