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Donations of Wheelchair Accessible Vans and Tax Deductions
The Special Kids Fund is one of many non-profit organizations who dedicate their time and efforts to the welfare of kids with disabilities, special needs, and at-risk youth. Donations, particularly vehicle and wheelchair van donations, are just one of the many methods SKF uses to help support families, schools, hospitals, and programs for kids with special needs. The very dedicated people who are associated with The Special Kids Fund do their best to find ways to raise money, gather volunteers, and assist these programs in any way they can. However, their efforts alone often aren’t enough to maintain the expenses that are required to support the schools, hospitals, camps, programs, treatments, and individual care these children need. As a result, charity and donations are asked of the rest of the community to assist them in making their goals of helping disabled children, their families, and communities, possible.
There are approximately 4 million children under the age of 18 in the United States who have some type of disability. Some of these disabilities leave children unable to walk without some support, like a walker or crutches, and others who rely on the use of a wheelchair because they cannot walk at all. Wheelchairs obviously have certain requirements that people who can walk tend to overlook. Wheelchair vans, are a significant help when it comes to transporting a person in a wheelchair. Accommodating a wheelchair in a typical vehicle isn’t easy, and the use of a wheelchair accessible vans allow these kids to be mobile, get to doctors appointments, and most importantly, to participate in other activities that their family and friends attend. There are some fortunate situations where an insurance company will cover at least a portion of the cost of a wheelchair accessible van, or the conversion of a van, enabling it to accommodate a wheelchair and lift. But most situations leave the cost of the van or conversion on the shoulders of the family alone. That is why vehicle donations and van donations are at the top of the most wanted list of SKF charitable contributions. Many people have a van, SUV or RV that has been modified to be wheelchair accessible in order to accommodate their handicapped ore elderly family member and make transportation to the doctor, school, activities, and family trips easier on everyone. In the unfortunate event that your family experiences the loss of the family member who needed the wheelchair accessible van, or if circumstances simply change and you no longer need the van because you’re getting a new one, making a vehicle donation can be beneficial to both you and the recipient. You can use the donation as a way to commemorate the passing of your loved one, and give another family the opportunity to make their life a little less difficult by giving them the gift of transportation. Another way you can benefit from a vehicle donation is the year end tax deduction. Vehicles that are already adapted and are accepted into SKF’s vehicle donation program make the donor eligible for a full fair market value tax deduction. In 2005, IRS Vehicle Donation Laws changed to only allow up to a $500 deduction based on the fair market value and requires that the owner determine its value based on its actual condition. Vehicle Donation Programs like SKF’S allow you to get the best IRS deduction since the donated wheelchair vehicle is a gift to a needy family rather than sold or auctioned. If the vehicle appraises over $5000, the IRS requires a certified appraisal, but this does allow you to get the highest deduction, even under the new IRS rules. SKF and other non-profit organizations like them, whose mission and dedication to giving a better life to kids with special needs and their families is so important to our communities and their children who may be considerable restricted otherwise. By vehicle donations you become a part of their quest to improve the lives of those with special needs and the people responsible for caring for them. By making a vehicle donation, you become a part of the combined efforts that are already in place striving to help out one person or family at a time. Wheelchair vans allow families to spend time together as a family, to go out to dinner, family outings, on vacations, and even the simple everyday trips. Remember that your donations and charity not only benefit those on the receiving end, but you too, both in the form of tax deductions as well as a greater feeling of self-worth, knowing that you have made a dramatic difference in the lives of others.
If you would like to make a large donation this year that would benefit many kids and their families who have special needs,
Wheelchair Van Donations
are needed by many! Learn how you can get a
vehicle donation tax deduction
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Donations of Wheelchair Accessible Vans and Tax Deductions