- Here’s An Opinion On:
- Marc Ching
By Angela Lyons
I have a grey and black cat that loves to snuggle with me on a cold winters night. At night, I often turn my heater off to save on gas. My cat always knows when its bed time. She will often crawl in my bed and go under my covers. She will often sleep on top of my feet and purr while I am taking a nap. She keeps my feet warm. She knows how to give me the love that I need because she always comes to me when I am feeling all alone and chilled by the cold weather.
Cats are wonderful animals and can be a best friend to you. It’s amazing how cats help their owners to have happiness in their lives. I often give my kitty some snacks to keep her happy. Her favorite thing to do is to roll around in a basket full of cat nip. That is better than giving her two cans of tuna.
My friend Lisa also has a cat that likes to snuggle with her on a cold winters night. She usually calls me around 8:00 p.m. to tell me that her white cat is just sitting on the couch waiting for her. The cat wants to snuggle and she knows when its snuggling time. My friend usually sits down at that time to watch her television shows. I find it interesting to watch television with a pet because they are always so open to us and wanting to get a pat on the head. They tend to make us feel happy and they give us the love that we need to bring a new beginning into our lives.
An aunt of mine used to tell me that cats do this when they know that they are loved. They also do it because they know that you have warm body heat. Cats love to have their space and their time alone with their owner. Many husbands tend to get jealous when a pet pays more attention to their spouse then them. I usually find that dogs cater more to men and cats come closer to women. It is just an observation that I have made. I love to help people to discover what its like to get close to a cat that is in need of some care.
Kids usually like to snuggle with pets as well. I used to watch my son take good care of the Siamese kittens that I bought for him when he was just 9 years old. He used to snuggle with the pets and say that he loved them. I think that kids have a wonderful way of playing with kittens when they give them their love. Parents often see that their children behave better when they feel like they have a friend in an animal. It also teaches them a tremendous amount of responsibility. It’s amazing how people learn more about their pets through some loving cuddling.
About the Author: I love chatting about
cats and dogs. I always try to educate men and women about
at the college by my apartment.
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